The IPA Disaster Risk Assessment and Mapping (DRAM) Regional Workshop and the fourth Steering Committee meeting will be held in Ljubljana from November 12 to November 15.
Organized with the kind support of Administration of the Republic of Slovenia for Civil Protection and Disaster Relief (ACPDR), the Steering Committee meeting represents the opportunity to gather IPA DRAM Programme’s National Coordinators based in the Partner Countries, Consortium members, delegates from the European Commission including DG ECHO and key international stakeholders for the purpose of supporting as well as overseeing the overall progress of the Programme. The Steering Committee meeting will be held on 14th -15th November and is preceded by the Regional Workshop on 12th -14th November.
The “3rd Regional Workshop – Evidence-based disaster risk management, Disaster loss data (DLD) and Wildfires” is hazard specific, focused on fire risk, which is recognized as one of the main hazards within the IPA DRAM region of Western Balkan and Turkey. The workshop is expected to pool appointed national experts on wildfires from each partner country. Further it will focus on exchange of good practices, discussion and understanding of regional needs and gaps. The workshop, which will include keynote presentations by experts from the Programme Consortium, is part of the set of capacity building activities promoted by IPA DRAM to support and guide national authorities in the Programme implementation.