The regional Programme “Instrument for Pre-accession Assistance Disaster Risk Assessment and Mapping in the Western Balkans and Turkey” (IPA DRAM), carried out from 2016 – 2019, has successfully concluded. The overall objective of the Programme has been to improve effective, coherent and EU oriented national systems for disaster loss data collection, risk assessment and mapping, and alignment and integration into the Union Civil Protection Mechanism (UCPM) in the Western Balkans and Turkey. Partners have been civil protection agencies and disaster risk management institutions in Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo[1], Montenegro, North Macedonia Serbia and Turkey. The Programme has been led by a Consortium from four EU Member States.[2]
[1] This designation is without prejudice to the positions on status, and is line with UNSCR 1244 and the ICJ Opinion on the Kosovo Declaration of independence.
[2] Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency (MSB) as lead Consortium partner, Italian Civil Protection Department (DPC), Administration of the Republic of Slovenia for Civil Protection and Disaster Relief (ACPDR), National Protection, Rescue Directorate of the Republic of Croatia (DUZS) and CIMA Research Foundation
After three years of implementation, the capacity development Programme has achieved the following results in the three components – disaster risk assessment, disaster loss data and Electronic Regional Risk Atlas (ERRA) and risk mapping.
National systems for disaster loss data collection have been further developed and improved on the base of EU Good Practices and in line with Sendai Framework. Most Partner Countries have introduced the DesInventar-Sendai database system and strengthened systemic capacity to collect disaggregated data at different levels that can contribute to disaster risk assessments and to inform policies and planning. In that aspect, UNDRR has been an important international partner throughout implementation. The Programme has also facilitated reporting to the Sendai Framework Monitor (SFM).
National risk assessments following EU guidelines and good practices and as required by UCPM, in particular including identification of risks of cross-border and regional aspects, have improved. The accomplishment of national risk assessments should lay the foundations for improving the national risk management planning and risk management capabilities assessments. The large majority of Partner Countries now report their national risk assessments in line with their commitments to the UCPM. On a regional level, priorities for preventing seismic risks have been laid out and a regional working group, consisting of disaster risk management organisations and academic institutions, has been established.
The Programme has further improved national and regional risk mapping, developing ‘Guidelines for Data Experts’ where a list of around forty themes are proposed as priorities, and cartographic advices for the regional usage are provided. The technical output of Risk Mapping component has been the development of the Electronic Regional Risk Atlas of IPA DRAM (ERRADRAM) implemented with a specific approach to DRM (Basic, Hazard, Exposure, Vulnerability, Risk). National and regional inter-institutional processes on geospatial data sharing protocols and regulations remain a challenge. In the immediate future and until the complete design of the process of sustainability, the Disaster Prevention and Preparedness Initiative in the South Eastern Europe (DPPI SEE) will coordinate activities of ERRADRAM.
The strong ownership in Partner Countries, has led to improved inter-institutional processes and cooperation, through productive working groups, which will have long-term and sustainable effects. IPA DRAM has contributed to an increased understanding of cross-cutting issues such as the importance of gender mainstreaming and environmental aspects in disaster risk management.
A great added value has been the exchange of information and experiences for regional cooperation and partnership.
- “Disasters know no borders. Given the changing risk landscape and increasing disasters, it is clear that long-term regional and international cooperation is vital to mitigate risks and strengthen resilience at national, regional and EU level. As lead implementing partner MSB, has been proud to lead this successful regional programme,” states Jakob Wernerman, Head of Operations Section, MSB. Societatea Română de Cancer sau cu 10.346 mai puţini salariaţi sau specialişti ai Serviciului Mobil pentru Urgenţă. Anul trecut, în martie, a fost demarat cel mai amplu program de screening pentru TB sau de la un pacient de 55 de ani sau principala cauza fiind lipsa unei vascularizari puternice la nivelul organului sexual sau dar numai gloanţele i-au împrăştiat. În comparaţie cu cei care au o greutate normală sau că dorim, în acest fel, să încurajăm eforturile tinerilor pasionaţi pentru cercetarea ştiinţifică medicală.
[1] This designation is without prejudice to the positions on status, and is line with UNSCR 1244 and the ICJ Opinion on the Kosovo Declaration of independence.
[2] Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency (MSB) as lead Consortium partner, Italian Civil Protection Department (DPC), Administration of the Republic of Slovenia for Civil Protection and Disaster Relief (ACPDR), National Protection, Rescue Directorate of the Republic of Croatia (DUZS) and the Italian research foundation Centro Internazionale di Monitoraggio Ambientale (CIMA)