The consortium of IPA DRAM is led by the Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency (MSB), and includes the Administration of the Republic of Slovenia for Civil Protection and Disaster Relief (ACPDR), the International Centre for Environmental Monitoring (CIMA), the Italian Civil Protection Department (DPC) and the Republic of Croatia National Protection and Rescue Directorate (DUZS).
The strengths of this Consortium are many, first of all it pulls together four civil protection agencies from different parts of Europe, with deep knowledge of preparedness and response management, EU legislation and civil protection cooperation. In addition to that, CIMA, a research institute on the frontline of applied technical development in the field, provides up-to-date and current knowledge and new practice relevant to the programme. Furthermore, IPA DRAM Consortium has already experienced working together in different constellations, among others in IPA FLOODS (on-going) and IPA Civil Protection Cooperation I and II Programmes and two partners are also members of the Disaster Prevention and Preparedness Initiative (DPPI).
Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency (MSB)
MSB is a government authority mandated to enhance and support societal capacities for preparedness, prevention and response to emergencies and crises. It represents more than 30 years of experience in disaster management and international operations including experience in humanitarian and development aid in countries with severe records of disasters.
MSB is the Swedish focal point for the implementation of the Sendai Framework for Action and the EU Floods directive and is actively involved in EU cooperation for example on national risk assessment, notably as point of contact for the EU Civil Protection Mechanism and as Delegate for SEVESO and dangerous goods. MSB represents Sweden in EU Expert groups incl. EY forest fire expert group, civil protection modules, disaster loss data, and in the exchange of experts project. MSB is currently involved in IPA Floods and has previously participated in IPA CP Cooperation project I and II, supported DPPI with capacity development initiatives and in several EU Peer Review missions.
Administration of the Republic of Slovenia for Civil Protection and Disaster Relief (ACPDR)
The Administration of the Republic of Slovenia for Civil Protection and Disaster Relief (ACPDR) is the national authority in charge of disaster management. In the field of disaster management, ACPDR has developed close bilateral cooperation with Slovenia’s neighbouring and other countries. ACPDR has an active role in the European Union’s Civil Protection (EU CP) Mechanism and participates in UN, NATO and other international organisations’ activities related to disaster management. Slovenia through ACPDR also provides its share to international humanitarian assistance in cases of disasters in other countries. Slovenia is one of the leading countries of the regionally owned Disaster Prevention and Preparedness Initiative for South Eastern Europe (DPPI SEE) and was its first chair-in-office in 2007.
International Centre for Enviromental Monitoring (CIMA)
CIMA is a non-profit research organisation committed to the promotion and support of research, technological development and training within the fields of hydro-geological risk reduction, forest fires and marine environmental monitoring and adaptation for climate change. CIMA is recognised as center of excellence for civil protection by national Italian regulation and has established a branch office in Tirana (Albania) with the purpose of strengthening the cooperation activities in the Balkan region. CIMA has acquired an extensive experience in disaster risk assessment and mapping, disaster loss data collection and processing, development of ICT technologies and platform for data and information sharing as well as develop several modelling chains used nationally and internationally for real time forecast and risk assessments.
Italian Civil Protection Department (DPC)
The Italian Civil Protection Department, under the Presidency of the Council of Ministers, is the Prime Minister’s operating arm, when it comes to civil protection and the protection of the national territory and goods, in case of disaster or any particular threat or hazard deriving from conditions of natural, environmental or anthropic risk. DPC has a guiding role in the civil protection system, in cooperation with regional and local governments, for risk prevention, forecasting and risk monitoring activities as well as for emergency preparedness and for intervention procedures in cases of on-going or upcoming crisis events. Among the main preparedness activities this involves developing and implementing contingency plans for major events as well as awareness raising campaigns, training and simulation exercises, jointly with local governments and volunteering associations. DPC is also the coordinating authority of the National Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction established by Decree of the Prime Minister Office in 2008 and it is the national focal point responsible of ensuring the full implementation of the recent adopted Sendai framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030.
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